
What's This? No more Amanda Congdon at Rocketboom. Will there be a reason to return? There seems to be some he said/she said business going on. Amanda says they didn't want her anymore. Rocketboom (a.k.a. the other guy) says she wanted to move to L.A., and they couldn't acommodate her.

The only thing we know for sure sure is that I'm still not sure how to spell acommodate.

Let the blogosphere be my spellchecker, I say. Comments are always open.

I'm sure we'll see Amanda again. So, might as well bookmark Unboomed in the meantime. I've only been visiting Rocketboom for a short time, and although the content and writing works well, her personality and delivery has made it more interesting. Is Rocketboom done? Has there been a job posting on Craigslist yet? Who knows? Maybe you.

Save the Internet, and PBS, too.

You, too (not U2, although Bono may have considerable sway, at least with the old last Pope anyway) can help the Internet not suck. Well, it will still suck up a lot of bandwidth. But that's a good suck. That means more flashing color lights and pretty pictures and all that kind of crap. Save the Internet, Kids.

And PBS as well. Save that while you're at it. I know last year the Corporation for Public Broadcasting had some changes among the higher ups, and now we've got commercials after Sesame Street. Thanks, new regime. The president made sure there was a Republican majority, appointing 3 Republicans, and now there's a vote to take away all the funding.

There's an interesting quote on the Wikipedia entry for Cheryl Halpern, the current Chair of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting:

“Mrs. Halpern is outstanding in her field as a propagandist.”

And save Ferris. Don't forget Ferris.