LEGO Indiana Jones Trailer

The LEGO Indiana Jones trailer is up on the LucasArts website. And yes, Tt Games is attached to the project. My six year old loves Star Wars via the LEGO Star Wars video game. And we recently contemplated watching Raiders of the Lost Ark with him, since he's also a fan of the Legends of the hidden Temple. (Yes, it's in syndication, if that's what you call Nick Gas. Wait a minute. It's still Nickelodeon, so I guess it's not syndication, it's just reruns.)

We visited the LucasArts site to checkout the Force Unleashed trailer, and listed under games was LEGO Indy. My son's reaction said everything:

“Dad he's got the same pants as Han Solo.”

I smiled. I'm not sure it's true, but Should I be surprised that LEGO Indy bears some resemblance to LEGO Han Solo. (Actually they both have the gun holster on the same leg of their pants.)

“Son, you know the same actor that played Han Solo also played Indiana Jones.”

He didn't have to tell me he wanted to get this when it came out. They had me at “South America, 1936.” And when I heard all three movies were included in the game. So I've got until 2008 to scrape a few pennies together.

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