Is it really that hard to tweak winning formulas and put in the effort required to rule?
It's sentences like above that keep me coming back to fluxblog as my favorite mp3 blog. I never declare favorites, but for musical variety and curious description fluxblog is the one.
Why this post? Why today? I decided to look at all my “Worthy blogs and links” and decide if there was any I wanted/needed to eliminate. A couple were weeded out. I'm on the fence about a few more. But I just figured, if I'm not taking the time to read them, why should anyone else?
I'll also single out Max Barry tonight. I may or may not have posted about Jennifer Government, but I've been blogging too long to remember these things, and if you're here you're probably not searching through the archives either, so let's just be lazy together and mention it again. The book is worth it. Moves quickly like a Crichton book, but does not fit nicely into any niche. I like books that don't fit nicely anywhere except on my bookshelf or in my cranium. Anyway his most recent post offers some advice to would-be writers that I believe applies to bloggers as well.
I'd describe why in more detail except I'm done for now, I just went through my links, I'm happy with where they're at for now. There's some I'll miss, but mostly since the postings aren't happening there anymore, so I guess I already missed them and hoped they'd have returned by now. But they haven't, so they're gone, let me know if you've come back, it's only html, there's more room on the right column, it's not going anywhere, although I may sublet it to some grad students in the meantime.
Good night.