Tossing Life Preservers to the Drowned

Today the web staffing agency where I had continuous employment for at the same location for approximately 8 years sent an e-mail to check-in to see if I was still looking for work. This would seem to be appropriate protocol, except for the one year plus two week lapse of any billable hours. Perhaps it's only because it's W-2 time and look-ee look-ee, ol' Larz had a slow 2006 with us. The super-sized COBRA checks should have been a dead giveaway to my status. My beloved Garden State surely must have had some fabled clockwatcher make telephone contact with my former employer, before I could cash my first unemployment check.

I could have been upset by this, but I found themn to be a bit on the useless side whenever I asked for more money, or as to why I shouldn't have cheaper medical coverage with all the time I had put in. I could have called them for placement, but I wanted them to show me that they could do something as well.

You'd think that they'd notice that one of their revenue streams had gone dark. I'd worked nearly every week for eight years. My absence should have been felt like a disturbance in the Force, or should have at least made the heart grow fonder.Charge the employer a hefty hourly rate, skim a nice chunk off the top to cover the requisite paper-shuffling, and give the rest to the loyal worker bee.

This bee hasn't buzzed around their hive for about 54 weeks and now I get the, “Hey, haven't seen you around the water cooler in a while. What's shakin'?”

Maybe I just wanted to be missed. Admit it, if someone says they missed you, and meant it, it feels pretty damn good. Well…let's think about that…if someone missed you that much, there's a good chance that you missed them equally, and things didn't feel so good during that time, and you're really happy to be together again. The alternative scenario would be the other person still missing you that much, but you thinking, “Oh fuck, I thought I'd finally rid myself of that fucktard.” In neither scenario, does it really feel great to be missed, but the former is a bit better, because it reall is nice to know that when you missed someone they felt the same way.

Fucktard. I see this word thrown about occasionally and never pepper my speech with it. But tonight, I pepper this post with it. Or at least garnished this post with it like a particularly foul sprig of parsley.

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