Filing cabinet

I threw away a metal filing cabinet today.

It wasn't a real good filing cabinet, but a filing cabinet nonetheless.

I took a picture, but I won't post it.

I'd like to leave the cabinet with some dignity.

I left it at the dumpster near the clubhouse at the Harbour Club in Sayreville, NJ.

It may still be there if you have a need for a filing cabinet.

A metal filing cabinet, that is still somewhat serviceable, but clearly not spectacular.

In case there is another metal filing cabinet in the dumpster, please note that my metal filing cabinet has a large WFMU sticker on it.

But if the other metal filing cabinet in the dumpster seems better, I think you should take that one.

I don't typically write about metal filing cabinets, but it just felt right.

So I did.

I could have written about something else.

But I didn't.

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