What now?

There's like 30 blog posts floating around in my head, yet none of them have been able to win their battle of king of the hill to reach the apex of my cerebrum, I'm a little bit right-brained and a little bit left-brained, I bat righty and throw lefty, and have a bipolor condition with complexities that somehow make the Yankees vs. Red Sox not completely cut and dry. That said, the separate mililiters of cream rising to the top lie somewhere in the middle, that slight fissure or fold between the two cortexes (Is that what they're called? Is the plural form cortices? corti?) which with the nature of fissures is not quite the highest point within my skull. Expect something involving the IRS, the MoMA, Joe Franklin, YouTube, Melanie Martinez, cheeseburgers, a possible revisit to my micro Rocketboom obsession, or possibly some grand unification theory involving all the former (I'd say 'above', but some of those things may fall to the left). All from this little curio shop on the Internet, that walks the line between not so great, and not so bad.

I know a few people that live under rocks, so here's a courtesy for them to see the wacky treadmill curiosity that is OK GO. And I don't believe Spike Jonze or any of his alternate personalities were involved or harmed in the making of this video.

Where there is no money, there will always be ingenuity.