Teany bit of writing

For someone who's music is predominantly instrumental, Moby always seems to have a lot to say. He included War and Peace in the liner notes of Play. (By the way, what is the correct way to format book titles, CD titles, and movie/tv show titles? Do they all get the same formatting? I think I actually care and would bother to be consistent with that. I'm blegging my readers for the answer.)

Perhaps he's a frustrated lyricist. Maybe he should listen to more rap, it could be a lack of rhyming skills.

Aside from music I have a minor obsession, actually just a curiosity for interesting beverages, which means something I haven't seen before that looks kind of shiny, or has really pretty packaging. For the most part Teany has neither, it's got minimalist packaging, but that doesn't stop it from being pretty. A field of snow does wonders for white, doesn't it? And I believe it's the Swiss (or the Swedes) that do that whole really clean design thing.

Well, surely enough there's a big paragraph of text on the side of the green tea with ginseng. Now I think Moby writes well, or at least in an interesting way, not too/unlike my own conversational like writing that I sometime like to read, because “I love myself, I want you to love me”. Wait? Was there any reason to start quoting the Divinyls? Am Irevealing what I do on the Internet when I'm not blogging.

My sentence tend to run away with themselves sometimes.

Here's the gist. I drank this Teany green tea with ginseng that Moby has stuck on a few store shelves, and I was surprised by how good it was. It's plenty sweet enough without being overloaded with sugar. Now if I could order it from his web site without having to pay about 4 bucks a bottle, we could have something.

Maybe it's good that Moby does mostly instrumental stuff, because I don't think my blog postings or his thesises (theses?) would sound paticularly good set to music. Unless Christopher Walken was reading them perhaps.

I both started and ended a sentence with perhaps in this posting. See if you can find the two sentences. You can? Great. Now go elsewhere and do something else. I need to go and feed the baby.

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