
My son and I just gathered up cousins Miso and Twinkle as We Love Katamari continues to rule our PS2. I bought the original game originally (there's probably a word for that use of grammar, right there, I don't know what it is, but I'm pretty sure any style guide will tell you not to do it), so I'd have an alternative to games like GTA that I only play when the kids are asleep. Namco came out with a great game (and a great sequel) that anyone can enjoy, that just happens to be nonviolent.

Although the downside is that now my son, who's nearly five, asks me about playing daily, and it's kinda hard to say no, because (1) yeah I kinda would like to play, and (2) my gimpy back makes playing video games easier than pushing trucks across the hardwood and tile floors down on all four.

I grew up with video games, yes they are quite a bit different today than when I was a kid, but it should better prepare for raising kids in this era than those parents that never “got it”.

Besides, at 35, I've got a really small window before he crushes me at every game.

Are these pictures of the first ever KatamariCon? Or just a bunch of otakus? or is it just otaku? or otaki? kinda like octopi?

And a Japanese Katamari commercial.

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