I revisited this site that I linked to a while back, mainly because I found a piece of scrap paper where I scribbled down a few facts for submission. I must admit that the site seemed a lot less funny than it once did. Perhaps the additional traffic watered down the quality of submissions. Not to say mine are the best, in fact I thought some were much funnier when I first wrote them then I do today. I'll list them here for the crickets to read.
Vin Diesel speaks fluid dolphin.
Vin Diesel likes that Kelly Clarkson song and is not ashamed to admit it.
Vin Diesel shot 50 Cent all nine times.
Vin Diesel is the reason Stephen Hawking is in that damn wheelchair. Why he talks that way is anybody's guess.
Vin Diesel thinks the president should take yet another vacation.
Vin Diesel fantasizes about sitting in a cubicle making PowerPoint slides all day.
There's never been a Hurricane Vin, and you know who is pretty fucking pissed about it.
Vin Diesel thanks you for your patronage.
Vin Diesel thinks your wasting your time.
What Vin Diesel really wants to do is direct.