Mosh Pit Girl

I'm sure I'm quite late to the party, but the 7 people who read this blog (Is it that many, or is the circumference of my swelling head affecting my counting abilities?) are probably showing up just in time for cake crumbs and torn wrapping paper.
I'm all for Photoshopping pictures for fun and profit. Or just for fun and no profit as is the case typically. I've done some Photoshop work for no fun and little profit which is alright sometimes.
I just wanted to use Photoshop as a verb because it pisses off Adobe to no end. They create the category killer and then bitch about its gramatical use. Ooh…what if their chief competitor, Macromedia comes out with a Photoshopping, or worse, a photoshopping program…well, they could just buy them out before that happens and photoshop, I mean Photoshop, or did I mean photoshop becomes a generic term…oh, they did buy them, well then lets get to the pics already.
Mosh Pit Girl.

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