M.I.A. / Diplo – Piracy Funds Terrorism, Vol. 1

Now, I know people don't come here for the latest and greatest. There's too much going on away from the computer for me to even think I could cover that. So I know this is not the first time the majority of you reading about the M.I.A./Diplo mix tape (CD), whichever. So at last count, 4 out of 5 of you have heard of this record. Good.

I've heard a few tracks, and they lived up to the hype, so I was hoping to fund something besides terrorism and purchase this CD rather than go downloading the tracks. But this album had a limited release, so I e-mailed Diplo (one and the same) over at Hollertronix, and asked about a re-release to benefit tsunami victims in Sri Lanka. (If you've read even 10% of the hype, you would've known that's M.I.A.'s homeland.)

Diplo responded positively, so it looks like something is in the works. We'll have to wait and see what develops. Maybe a re-release, maybe Vol. 2, who knows. I'd like to get a copy of the record, and make another contribution to the relief efforts.

M.I.A.'s full-length album is expected out this year, don't ask me when.

San Andreas/Liberty City Underground Jetpack Maps and More

Maybe I will look into this stuff after all. From what I'm reading it seems that there are a number of interiors you can reach with the jetpack that you can reach no other way. Including Liberty City! It looks like credit for the find is going to Edison Carter, who is kind enough to divulge his secrets. It seems that these interior environments were created for cutscenes in the game. You may need Action Replay or Gameshark to reach some areas.

Edison Carter also discovered some brand new cheats. Cars Fly. All Traffic is Fast (Sports) Cars. Full Weapon Aiming While Driving. Nice job.

Two links above changed. Linked directly to Edison Carter's site to replace. –LL 7/21/07

I'm going to just laundry list a bunch of links here for my own reference, and anyone else who happens by.

Interiors gallery.

Red Zones map.

Hidden Interiors thru the Gym!, w/ NO CHEAT (except jetpack)

Liberty City via Gym movie.

carpetdweller2001's photos.

Travels in and around San Andreas.

Finding Liberty City.

Found a way to fly jetpack around St Mark's Bistro. Dead link. So here's a different one. Added July 21, 2007.GTA/SA: Liberty City Tourist Guide

Hidden Interiors map.

San Andreas Secrets.

SA Hidden Interiors. This was a dead link. Found file elsewhere and changed the URL July 21, 2007.

Note: No page on my blog receives more hits than this one. So I got rid of the dead links. And I changed all references of “edisoncarter” to “Edison Carter”, that seems to be the name he calls himself over at his site. Enjoy. –LL, 7/21/07

GTA: Jetpack Underworld/Hidden Tattoo Shop

Yes, I actually posted a graphic, it's nothing really, since I didn't create it, but I thought I'd break up the usual monotony of my blatherings, with some pixel candy. Actually, it's more like the mints you get when you leave the diner.

But anyone who's been following the San Andreas world has heard about the “underground”. Apparently you can take a jetpack and fly around underneath the map of San Andreas. Looking at this movie from GTA Domain, I don't know if underground is the proper term. It's more of a bluescreen netherworld, perhaps, or the Matrix before the Architect really rolled up his sleeves and went to work.

They have other movies, too. Like the Hidden Tattoo Shop, although it looks like you have to die to get back in the games. But if you are a fan of cannibis leaf ink jobs, then it might be worth it.

I don't know if I'll bother checking it out on my own. But I feel better knowing it's there. Like turning the television on to make it feel like your not the only one home. Or maybe not like that all.

I'm too busy trying to get past the first Jizzy mission, I wish you didn't have to run those little errands every time before getting a chance to take out the limo and SUV.

I'm done typing this post now, you can stop reading if you want. I'll probably spend the next 15 minutes getting the links just right.