The president talks about winning the election as if it were a landslide. “The American people have spoken.” He does realize that a large number of people did not vote for him. Doesn't he? Pharmaceutical companies release drugs that are effective 45% of the time, when the control group shows 35% effective. And they consider this a breakthrough, as well.
If I'm to follow Bush's math or the corporate drug world's equations, then when my son brings home an algebra test someday with a score of 53, I should adamantly opposed to the school system's view of this as a failing grade. If my son's score is above 50, it's a mandate from God that he is a genius, and should be awarded the finest meats and cheeses available, along with a college scholarship to pursue astrophysics or whatever else he wants to choose, since he's clearly fucking brilliant and the un-American grading system is denying his potential for divine greatness. Is it possible the school system doesn't love freedom, and hates my son because he loves freedom?
I like hearing about mock coronations, especially when they use Shepard Fairey influenced artwork. Hence, the links to The Artist Glazunov's Laughitov.
Didn't see an email for you, forgive the off topic post.
I run another blogharbor blog (conservative) at
We are starting a “forum” separate from the blog at and I wanted to invite you to take a look and join the debate. Like the other participants, I'll link from the forum back to your site(s) put a banner in the rotation for you, etc.
Very spare simple interface, no registration, anonymous comments.
I'd really like to get a variety of people and viewpoints represented there.
Thanks for your consideration.
Off topic, on topic, whatever. You read something here and it merited comment, so that's fine. You don't seem to be trying to sell me herbal viagra or illegal cable descramblers, so I'll check out your blog. I'm not sure if you actually be notified of this reply since it is through my comment field, but hopefully you'll return and see it.
Larzini- Thanks for the reply on my blogsite,”The Artist Glazunov's Laughitov”. Yeah, Shepard Fairey is pretty cool and gets the message out there about the bs going down in a fun and powerful way. Images tell big stories where people just don't wanna read. we got a posse alright, 'art for the masses' so thanks! the medium is in the message, “FRAUD”…
The Bush” Fraud election” message has to continue, cause the 'christo-fascist immoral majority' is focused on 'spongebob' being gay… what tripe. dobson is nuts… This is all smoke and mirror crap from the 'bush monkey team' …the hand is quicker than the eye according to them, but we're not that dumb. I really appreciate your posting me on your site. I am building a creativ forum for aktivism art for change. Also have t-shirts and graphics available for educational outreach materials and icebreakers. Say your in a cafe' and someone sees a shirt that says “FRAUD” with bush on it and asks, what do you mean “FRAUD”? Well you know how to fill in the blanks with fixed election info ( harris)). This cannot be forgotten….
So on my next order of t-shirts, i'll send you one, for now a signed print (limited edition). I just had a show at the toyroom gallery in Sacramento,CA. My email is Let me know where to send stuff to you, etc.
PS: Also you mentioned “there is no trackback built into Blogger blogs” on my site. Did you mean navigation issues? I noticed navigation to articles and then going back to home page is not easy on blogspot. Any ideas for the remedy? This is a templete I used from and noticed it has css codes (cascading style sheets) which I am in the processing of learning but don't know all just yet, the author built in secret codes that i don't know how to change). i wonder if this how these blogs are built? any suggestions are welcome. I like your site btw,great content (Hunter S. Thompson!) it flows nicely…stay in touch