Hey Man, Nice Party. Where's my Vehicle Armor?

This was too good not to link to. And it would be wonderful if someday, my last 2 out of 3 posts don't reference the Accordion Guy's blog.

Judy Bachrach makes a great point, and drives it home. And Brigitte Quinn just makes it worse by trying to go toe-to-toe with her. She's severely out matched. She asks Judy how she would plan the party. Brilliant retort, Dumbass. Judy Bachrach could have said anything from “Get those little hot dog Oer d'oevres” (I seriously doubt that's spelled correctly) to “I wouldn't spend $40 million dollars” to “doy doy doy–how would you plan the party—doy doy doy”, and still make Brigitte Quinn look like an idiot.

Last time I checked, part of the Bush “base” were a group of people that called themselves “conservatives”. I can't see how anybody could argue for the lavish spending on inaugural parties. Even the guys who want to turn Iraq into a parking lot can see that.

Ms. Quinn would have done just as well to let Judy Bachrach make her point and move forward, but I'm glad she didn't.

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