The president talks about winning the election as if it were a landslide. “The American people have spoken.” He does realize that a large number of people did not vote for him. Doesn't he? Pharmaceutical companies release drugs that are effective 45% of the time, when the control group shows 35% effective. And they consider this a breakthrough, as well.
If I'm to follow Bush's math or the corporate drug world's equations, then when my son brings home an algebra test someday with a score of 53, I should adamantly opposed to the school system's view of this as a failing grade. If my son's score is above 50, it's a mandate from God that he is a genius, and should be awarded the finest meats and cheeses available, along with a college scholarship to pursue astrophysics or whatever else he wants to choose, since he's clearly fucking brilliant and the un-American grading system is denying his potential for divine greatness. Is it possible the school system doesn't love freedom, and hates my son because he loves freedom?
I like hearing about mock coronations, especially when they use Shepard Fairey influenced artwork. Hence, the links to The Artist Glazunov's Laughitov.