All proceeds will go to the Thisblogismyblog Pay My Mortgage &
Credit Card Debt Foundation. No portion of your purchase will be tax
I have a couple of my wife's Coach handbags up for auction on eBay. I think they capitalize the “B” so as not to confuse those folks searching for the Pig Latin translation of a Be operating system support site. I actually prefer sites that provide Jive translation. (Editor's Note:(As if!)Shut up and let me finish! Unfortunately you need to click the “Dialectize” button in the center of the page forThe Dialectizer to load the last two links properly.)
I think that was funnier before I started typing it. Where's my
editor? He was just here. Wait a minute! Who was that? This is a blog.
My Blog. There's no editor. I'm the only one here. This is what happens
when you edit a blog 12 times because your links running through
someone's CGI script are not working properly.
I'm ready to toss this whole post away. But now that I've edited this
one (need editor to spellcheck, Ha!) 12 times already, I refuse to
delete it, no matter how much of a pointless trainwreck it has turned
out to be. Just because I had to be clever with the whole dialect
Clever, huh? How's that working out for me? Not too fucking good, right now.
Oh, and the “g” at the end of “fucking”. I put that there not to be
cute. Not to be clever. Just because it fucking felt right. So did that
last “g” as well. I heard both “g” 's in my head. And the whole thing
with the quotes around the g. Yes, that g.
I don't know whether that's cute, clever, dumb, pretentious, punctually
correct, hopelessly archaic, or not even worthy of drawing attention
to. And I don't fucking care!
I don't fucking care with a fucking g.
Fuck g. Fuck h, too, for that matter.
I think it's great to include the g and to write correctly even when using slang. Though I think when it comes to baby talk it's okay to let things slide. This crazy kooky lady told my wife that she never used “cutesy words” with her kids. She always said “bottle” instead of “botty,” she claims. First of all, I don't think she can remember what she ever said to anyone, and I know she uses all kinds of weird words and yiddishisms, so I doubt she can be a poster child for correct speech and usage. And what if I call my baby daughter's pacifier a lucher (pronounced loocher) or a luchey or whatever. She's not going to learn incorrectly from that. People can distinguish between nickname words and real words.
Regarding Ebay, I set up my filter on my internet access, so I can't go to auction sites. This is supposed to stop me from spending hours browsing. I still browse around amazon and half and other purchase sites though. I'd buy your stuff if I needed it, but I can't do it (except maybe from work).