Month: November 2004
Yet More GTA: San Andreas
Good site for cheats and walkthroughs.
Alien Hominid
Hey Kids? Do you like cartoon violence? (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Wanna see me stick PS2 demo video through your eyelids? (uh-huh)
Developed by The Behemoth.
GTA Leatherface movie finished
GTA: Lego City
GTA: Lego City. It was only a matter of time.
Now you know about GTA for GameBoy Advance, but did you know about Grandtheftendo for the 8-bit NES.
Here's a message thread re: the bodybags in the desert. (with pics)
Bush Plane Crash
Former President Bush's Jet Crashes Killing Crew
Ex-President Bush was to board jet that crashed
Ok…so this happened yesterday. That's what I get for playing too much GTA lately.
More GTA Unexplained
There's a group, calls themselves the Ghosthunters, over at GTAForums.com.
Trying to find the truth behind rumours of ghosts, ghost cars, UFOs,
mass graves, mysterious phone booths and other unexplained phenomena in
San Andreas. Check the video footage.
That face in the mountain (in the second movie) reminded me a bit of the image of President Bush that was on a billboard in New York City leading up to the Republican National Convention.
Oh and be on the lookout for Leatherface, yes, that one. He may be out there too. The search has even inspired this film by Beach Head Productions.
I will say that I was in East Los Santos in the Cluckin' Bell parking
lot when a pedestrian seemed to fall out of the sky (or perhaps off the
telephone pole near me, and splattered on the ground) No I don't have
pics, I'll have to start picking up the camera instead of just the
spraycan. I'm not sure how I can carry a shotgun, a 9mm, a sub-machine
gun, grenades, and a baseball bat, but can't carry both a camera
and a can of spray paint at the same time.
I Shot JFK
Well, I didn't, but now I can.
Official site. JFK Reloaded.
Is Bigfoot alive and well in the hills of San Andreas?
Well, is he? Is it true? Is this proof? Or is it a hoax?
Some say he's already dead. There are also rumors of a Monkey Man.
Other worthy GTA sites include:
GTA Machinima +
Rockstar releasing San Andreas machinima prequel, eight CD soundtrack
Headaches, difficulty sleeping, burning eyes. Symptoms of either
the latest FDA-approved drug (some people read the diclaimer at the
bottom of those commercials), or you've been playing too much Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Yes, it's something I don't want my kid playing
(or seeing) until he's older. But it hasn't stopped me. Although if I
could find a cheat code to shut off the shooting and the language,
perhaps I could show him the fire truck and train missions.
The cut scenes, dialogue, voice acting, and storyline have clearly exceeded Rockstar's work on Vice City. And in no way is that a dis. This game is that good.
There's quite a few sites out there for hints, cheats, and talk. GTA Warehouse is a good place to start.